korea guide book


Many restaurants serving international dishes are in this area including cuisine from India, Pakistan, Turkey, Thailand, Germany, Spain, Italy, England, France and Mexico — foods that are not widely available in Korea. Essentially, it's known as "Western Town," reminiscent of many Chinatowns in Western countries. Itaewon is, along with Insadong and Seoul Tower, one of the most popular areas in Seoul for tourists. Major hotels such as the Grand Hyatt and local landmark Hamilton Hotel are here as well as dozens of shops and services aimed at tourists. High-quality leather products are sold at reasonable prices (though haggling is expected) as well as traditional Korean souvenirs. Counterfeit goods and clothing are ubiquitous and of varying quality. Some genuine goods that are produced in Korea for the international market as well as some authentic imports are available. Itaewon is known for tailors who produce custom-made suits. Aside from the local businesses, there is a rich community of business owners, including a pie shop owner from the U.S.A. (Tartine), authentic American burgers, a wine bar, an Austrian delicatessen (with an array of cheeses and meats), a veterinarian/pet groomer with an excellent reputation, a chiropractor from Oregon, doctors and nurses, pharmacists, and grocery shop owners...wiki

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